James Joyce

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Here are some notes on Finnegans Wake“a bag-man’s babble, a bomb site, a druid’s curse on Rome, an Irishman’s revenge on English,” etc.

I’ve got a fair bit o’ the Irish in meself, as I confess in My Racial Profile.

Which may account for my positive outlook: Joyce said yes, Becket said no.

On the other hand, Joyce made a dubious choice.

Beckett? I prefer Pinter.

It’s all in the book, if you like books.

Casanova, or rather Casanova’s descendant, is trying to get a lecturer appointment at Oxbridge, when he makes the mistake of defending Finnegans Wake: “It’s a bit of an avalanche—a comic monologue—a barroom rant—a child’s private language. The one thing it’s not—is serious.”

Uh-oh. You want a job, you gotta be serious.



Robert MacLean is an independent filmmaker. His recent The Light Touch is on Amazon PrimeTubi and Scanbox, and his 7-minute comedy is an out-loud laugh. He is also a novelist, a playwright, a blogger, a YouTuber, a film reviewer, a literary critic, and a stand-up comic poet. Born Toronto, taught at Canadian universities, too cold, live Greece, Irish citizen. No brains, but an intellectual snob.

I was beastly but never coarse. A high-class sort of heel.

The Light Touch on Amazon Prime

The Natural Wish to Be Robert MacLean

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