Is your heart in the right place?

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I hope not. Few things are duller.
A work of art, for example, should never have its heart in the right place.
Shakespeare is difficult, not because of his language, which is fluent and mellifluous, not because of his plots, which are simplicity itself, but because he veers away from where one wants his heart to be. Why is this charismatic hero committing murder? Where is Shakespeare’s heart?
Hamlet spends an entire play searching for a place to put his heart.
Guido does much the same.
Flaubert said, “The three finest things God ever made are HamletDon Giovanni and the sea.” Where is Don Giovanni’s heart?
Here is my heart. Don’t say I never give you anything.

Robert MacLean is an independent filmmaker. His recent The Light Touch is on Amazon PrimeTubi and Scanbox, and his 7-minute comedy is an out-loud laugh. He is also a novelist, a playwright, a blogger, a YouTuber, a film reviewer, a literary critic, and a stand-up comic poet. Born Toronto, PhD McGill, taught at Canadian universities, too cold, live Greece, Irish citizen. No brains, but an intellectual snob.

Picasso says he’s a communist. Neither am I.”—Salvador Dalí

The Light Touch on Amazon Prime

The Natural Wish to Be Robert MacLean

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