What the Devil?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It scares one but one feels so, I don’t know, demonic!

Here’s the Devil tempting the pope.

Here he is tempting the homeless.

Here he is sponsoring my blog.

Here he is in a much-awarded movie I never finished.

Here is a #short (such a thing now) with 30 seconds of quotes by the demonic Dalí.

Here’s Boccaccio on the secrets of the confessional.

And here, for those who enjoy deep poetry, is some demonically inspired literary criticism.

With horns and a tail,


Robert MacLean is an independent filmmaker. His recent The Light Touch is on Amazon PrimeTubi and Scanbox, and his 7-minute comedy is an out-loud laugh. He is also a novelist, a playwright, a blogger, a YouTuber, a film reviewer, a literary critic, and a stand-up comic poet. Born Toronto, PhD McGill, taught at Canadian universities, too cold, live Greece, Irish citizen. No brains, but an intellectual snob.

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