“Europe visibly aspires to be governed by an American commission—

Its entire policy is directed to that end.”—Paul Valéry, 1927
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Despite what you may have heard, that, at least, hasn’t changed.
Word Wallace has to break it gently to the president that America is, in fact, an empire.
I’ll die for it, said Hemingway, but I can’t live there. He did die there.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of—what?
Here’s Toby hiding out from the pod people in Mediterranean countries.
And here he is in print.
Keeping low,

Robert MacLean is an independent filmmaker. His The Light Touch is on Amazon PrimeTubi and Scanbox, and his 7-minute comedy is an out-loud laugh. He is also a novelist, a playwright, a blogger, a YouTuber, a film reviewer, a literary critic, and a stand-up comic poet. Born Toronto, PhD McGill, taught at Canadian universities, too cold, live Greece, Irish citizen. No brains but an intellectual snob.

The Light Touch on Amazon Prime

The Natural Wish to Be Robert MacLean

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