While standing at the vernissage,
Engaged in idle badinage,
I fabricate some persiflage
To linger by your décolletage,
A pair of turrets on the Taj!
Could one actually massage
Such an obvious mirage?
Employing tricks of espionage,
At risk of social sabotage,
I infiltrate your entourage
And press my nose to your corsage.
Were you under my British raj
I’d put you through some strict dressage,
Inflict an oscular barrage
And park my tank in your garage.
Robert MacLean is an independent filmmaker. His The Light Touch is on Amazon Prime, Tubi and Scanbox, and his 7-minute comedy is an out-loud laugh. He is also a novelist, a playwright, a blogger, a YouTuber, a film reviewer, a literary critic, and a stand-up comic poet. Born Toronto, PhD McGill, taught at Canadian universities, too cold, live Greece, Irish citizen. Committed to making movies that don't matter. No brains, but an intellectual snob.
The Light Touch on Amazon Prime
The Natural Wish to Be Robert MacLean
On YouTube:
Boccaccio’s "The Husband"
Boccaccio's "The Horse Trade"
Boccaccio's "The Stupid Friar"
Chaucer’s "The Miller's Tale"
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